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Below is a list of roaches you may find in your Florida home or business.
Surinam Cockroaches are very common in all sub-tropical areas. They are well known for their ability to burrow and are capable of damaging various plants. Although this cockroach is not typically found inside, their main source of entry into homes is through potted plants. Surinam cockroaches conceal themselves during the day and come out at night to feed on plant stems. They are shiny brown to almost black in color and are about ¾-inch in length.
There are no male species of the Surinam cockroach located in the United States. The female retains the egg capsules for the entire incubation period and actually gives birth to live young. Each egg capsule is capable of producing up to 42 eggs but typically only produces 24-26.
Cigarette Beetles
can be easily distinguished by their humped appearance and downward-pointed head. They are typically about an eighth-inch long and are reddish brown with a hint of yellow. Female cigarette beetles will attach their eggs to stored food products such as tobacco, rice, grains, raisins, and other stored products. Thus, these are the most common products where they can be found inhabiting. The females can produce up to 30 eggs over a 3-week period and they each hatch out after about one week. Cigarette beetles are generally located in the pantry infesting products that are not in jars or cans and the easiest way to eradicate the problem is to start on the lower shelves and work upward because they gravitate downward.
American Cockroaches are commonly found around zoos, animal rearing facilities, and also in sewers. They are one of the largest roaches that invade buildings and commonly enter in and around plumbing areas. They will usually be found on the ground floor. Adults are usually about 1¼ to 2 inches in length and are reddish brown in color. They are active throughout the year in sub-tropical climates.
The average life span for a female American cockroach is about 440 days. During this time, they can carry up to 60 egg capsules that each produce about 14 young. The young become fully mature in about 200 days. The greatest number of adults are usually seen during the late summer months. American cockroaches can fly and are attracted to lights at night.
Asian Cockroaches are a rural and suburban pest that mainly infests single-family homes and yards. They closely resemble the German cockroach but can be separated by the longer and narrower wings as well as the slightly lighter color. The wings in the females fully cover the egg capsules. Like the Australian cockroach, they are commonly found in shady areas with abundant leaf litter and ground cover.
Asian cockroaches can be found outdoors in extremely large populations. However, the adults are typically abundant only in the spring and fall as the nymphs are the only ones found during the summer. The females carry egg capsules that are capable of producing approximately 40 young. The nymphs are fully mature in 6-7 weeks. The Asian cockroach is a very strong flyer and can fly up to 120ft in a single flight.
Australian Cockroaches are very common in the southeastern region, particularly in Florida. They are commonly mistaken for the American cockroach but can be separated by the slightly smaller size and the light markings on the wings. They are most prevalent in trees, shrubs, leaf litter, and greenhouses.
The Australian cockroach life cycle is a little over a year. The female carries approximately 30 egg capsules in their life span that each producing about 14-16 young. The nymphs can take up to one year to fully mature.
Brown Cockroaches are mainly found in the southeastern states. They are very similar in appearance to the American cockroach but can be separated by their slightly darker color and reddish-brown tint. Brown cockroaches are typically about 1¼ to 1½ inches in length and are found primarily outdoors under the bark of trees and in sewers.
The life cycle of the Brown cockroach is just under one year. Females can produce up to 30 egg capsules that are glued onto surfaces, occasionally hidden with debris, and well guarded. Each egg capsule is capable of producing about 24 eggs with only 14-16 nymphs hatching. Brown cockroach adults usually live for 20 months.
Brownbanded Cockroaches are not commonly found in Florida. However, individuals may be located in or around buildings, behind pictures, or in other dry places not normally occupied by the German cockroach. They typically prefer warm areas such as radios, televisions, and appliances. They are about ½-inch in length at full maturity. The adult males are golden brown with a narrow body while the females are more of a chestnut brown and have a teardrop shape. Both males and females have distinct horizontal bands across their abdomens.
Brownbanded cockroaches very much prefer warmer climates to reproduce. The majority of their reproduction is completed in the summer months. Females carry their egg capsules for a couple of days before attaching them to hidden vertical surfaces. They often glue their egg capsules in clusters on furniture or in appliances. The eggs require about 2 ½ months to incubate and about 6 months to reach maturity. Adult males can readily fly if disturbed but the females do not fly.
German Cockroaches are the most common inside species, the most difficult to control, and are generally referred to as restaurant roaches. They are frequent pests in homes, hospitals, zoos, and restaurants, and are very well-traveled. They prefer warm, humid environments such as kitchens, bathrooms, and food preparation areas. The adults have two dark longitudinal streaks on top of the thorax (chest), are medium brown in color, and are about ½-inch in length and very narrow. They closely resemble Asian cockroaches but can be separated by their slightly darker color and shorter wings.
The German cockroach has the highest reproduction potential of all the cockroach species. The females prefer a warm climate to lay their eggs. They live only about 200 days but are capable of producing up to 8 egg capsules. They carry the egg capsule during most of the incubation period. Each of these is capable of producing up to 50 eggs that will hatch in about 4 weeks.
Smokybrown Cockroaches are usually found in garages, planter boxes, woodpiles, and water-meter boxes. Other common places they can be found are in trees, crawl spaces, and vegetation areas during summer. The adult Smokybrown Cockroach is a dark mahogany color, almost black, and is about 1¼ in length.
The female Smokybrown Cockroach only carries her egg capsules for a short time before releasing and attaching them to other surfaces. Each of the egg capsules hatches every 45 days on average and will produce up to 20 young. They also reach their maturity in just under one year. The summertime is when the majority of the adults occur.
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